Sunday, June 29, 2008
Dearest Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for showering us with your endless support and taking the time off to help us with the canteen duty today. Despite the many obstacles we faced prior to today, you still stood by us,
guided us and have faith in us.
We truly appreciate every single contribution you have made to the Gift Bearers.
Thank you to all those who made this possible!
Lastly, we would like to thank our heavenly Father for watching over us today, allowing everything to be smooth sailing.
Sincerely Yours,
Canteen Duty' 08- Gift Bearers
That is a very BIG pot of porridge, Bel!

Oooo...Piping hot Mee Siam!

" Remember to SMILE! "

" *evil grins* I'M WATCHING YOU! "
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dear Parents and Gift Bearers,
A huge apology for the confusion of the canteen.
The guy in charge of canteen only called us up yesterday (27/6), informing us that we aren't able to hold anything in there as they have painted the place, and it stinks. We have pushed for holding the cateen still, only outside of the canteen, and we have only recieved consent from Father Ho this morning.(28/6)
We are very very sorry about this. My hugest apologies to all parents for the huge confusion
I'm truly sorry about this and am equally upset about the whole confusion created.
My truest apologies, and I pray for your understanding.
As a result, there would be no Gift Bearers meeting this Sunday. We continue to pray for your cooperation, and we want to thank you for being a part of us, and doing the gift-bearing faithfully, and for you parents who have been very supportive!
My sincere apologies,
new roster up, with minor changes. I have informed those whose timings are changed, but that's about it. Grp leaders, pls inform the ppl in your grp who are supposed to serve every week. If any of you needs to change ur mass timings, pls inform me at least two days before, or find a replacement urself and tell me who it is.
P.S. Audrey will be taking over me temporarily starting from the first week of JULY
Clare Tay
28/29 Jun
6pm sat- Kwan Nicole, Tan Kellyann
7am- Hofbauer Alexandra, Tay Audrey
9am- Chee Mariel, Png Gabrielle
10.45am- Er Victoria-Marie, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Tan Cabrini, Sriwardene Elysha
5/6 Jul
6pm sat- Tay Clare, Kwan Nicole
7am- Tay Audrey, Hofbauer Alexandra
9am- Png Ophelia, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Er Victoria-Marie, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Sriwardene Elysha, Tan Audrey Sarah
12/13 Jul
6pm sat- Tan Kellyann, Teo Clarissa-Anne
7am-Ess Amabel, Goh Estelle
9am- Chee Mariel, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Er Victoria-Marie, Wong Abigail
6pm sun- Wong Clare Rosanne, Leong Edna
19/20 Jul
6pm sat- Tay Clare, Tan Audrey Sarah
7am- Hofbauer Alexandra, Ess Ariel
9 am- Png Ophelia, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Chew Adele, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Sriwardene Elysha, Tan Cabrini
Hi girls,
really sorry, but there will be no canteen duty this sun because the canteen is undergoing painting or something like that. Sorry we couldn't tell you all earlier, we only just got to know. We will try to organise another canteen later in the year. Really sorry to everyone(parents and girls and everyone else) who have contributed to this canteen and to the group. Pls continue to support us. Thanx.
Clare Tay
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Announcements for Canteen 29/6
Those bringing food: Please report at 7am.
We'll be having prayer preparations for GB committee at 6.30am. However, everyone of you are welcomed to join us:)
All girls are required to report at 7.20am.
Parents please suggest a price you would like to sell your food at, so as to prevent us from selling at a loss or at breaking cost. Thanks!
Those doing giftbearing on that day: Please bring an extra pair of clothes to ensure that the clothes you'd be donning for mass are clean.
Those not doing giftbearing on the day: Please also bring an extra pair of clothes if you are attending mass. However, if possible, please try to attend Sat 6pm, or Sun 6pm, as we are lacking very much in manpower.
Parents are cordially invited to join us in this fun fund-raising event! We would very much appreciate your help as we are lacking very much in manpower!
What this money would be used for: To pay for sashes, and future retreats
P.S. We are calling out to parents of Gift Bearers who are accountants, to help us handle the money properly! Please call Victoria for more information.
Group leaders will inform the girls again if they will be allowed to be excused for cathechism classes on that day.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the 29th June and may the canteen be a sucess!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Dear Parents and Bearers,
Please take note that we would be resuming our weekly meetings from the
22 June 2008 onwards.
Time: 2pm [corrected]
Venue: Main Church
The Gift Bearers would be having it's canteen duty on the 29 June 2008.
We would kindly appreciate your kind generousity if you would want to contribute
some food & drinks or love offerings.
As we would want this to be a fun event, parents are most cordially invited to join us!
Lastly, we would also like to seek your kind cooperation in allowing your daughter to journey with us in this event.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Victoria.
Thank you,
God Bless, and have a nice weekend!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hello all!
Here's the draft of our Gift Bearer's logo, it's pretty much what I've thought of so far.
I have not added the colours yet, still deliberating what to use, the fonts too!
So if you have any suggestions/comments, just post them on the tagboard alright :D
Loves (:
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Roster -June-JulyHello girls. Pls check the roster frequently as there may be changes at any one time. If there are changes, there would be an UPDATED roster. Please remember to always come punctually (15mins before and right after mass) for prayers, to avoid panicking your poor leader. If you are unable to make it for mass due to some reason, please inform at least a week before, to give us time to find people to replace you.
Thank you all and God Bless!
Gift Bearers Committee
31/1June6PM Mass(sat) Nicole Kwan, Clarissa Teo7AM Mass Amabel, Ariel9AM Mass Amabel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Abigail, Adele6pm Mass Clare Wong, Kellyann7/8 June6pm Mass(sat) Clare Tay, Clarissa Teo7AM Mass Alex, Estelle9AM Mass Ophelia, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Abigail, Adele6PM Mass Amabel, Edna14/15 June6pm Mass(sat) Clare Tay, Kellyann7AM Mass Estelle, Ariel9AM Mass Mariel, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Adele, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Cabrini, Edna21/22 June6pm mass(sat) Nicole Kwan,Clarissa7AM Mass Amabel, Alex9AM Mass Mariel, Ophelia10.45AM Mass Victoria, Adele6PM Mass Elysha, Cabrini28/29 June6pm mass(sat) Cabrini,Kellyann7AM Mass Alex, Audrey Tay9AM Mass Mariel, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Victoria, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Clare Wong, Elysha5/6 July6pm mass(sat) Clare Tay, Nicole Kwan7AM Mass Audrey Tay, Alex9AM Mass Ophelia, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Elysha, Audrey Tan12/13 July6pm mass(sat) Kellyann,Clarissa7AM Mass Cabrini, Estelle9AM Mass Mariel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Abigail6PM Mass Clare Wong, Edna19/20 July6pm mass(sat) Clare Tay, Audrey Tan7AM Mass Alex, Ariel9AM Mass Gabrielle, Caroline10.45AM Mass Adele, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Elysha, Cabrini26/27 July6pm mass(sat) Audrey Tan, Kellyann7AM Mass Amabel, Audrey Tay9AM Mass Mariel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Abigail6PM Mass Clare Wong, Edna
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sorry to have created the Gift Bearers blog this late, as I've just received the email from
Clare Tay.
Anyways here are some of the announcements:
1. Facil Meeting is at 2pm next sunday, 8th June. Bring your bibles along.
2. Group leaders remember to contact your girls, tell them that Clare Tay and I are unreachable this weekend, so if anything crops up, contact Bel.
3. GB session is on the 29th June.
4. Clare, can you get your dad to print out the prayers please? :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Dearest Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for showering us with your endless support and taking the time off to help us with the canteen duty today. Despite the many obstacles we faced prior to today, you still stood by us,
guided us and have faith in us.
We truly appreciate every single contribution you have made to the Gift Bearers.
Thank you to all those who made this possible!
Lastly, we would like to thank our heavenly Father for watching over us today, allowing everything to be smooth sailing.
Sincerely Yours,
Canteen Duty' 08- Gift Bearers
That is a very BIG pot of porridge, Bel!

Oooo...Piping hot Mee Siam!

" Remember to SMILE! "

" *evil grins* I'M WATCHING YOU! "
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dear Parents and Gift Bearers,
A huge apology for the confusion of the canteen.
The guy in charge of canteen only called us up yesterday (27/6), informing us that we aren't able to hold anything in there as they have painted the place, and it stinks. We have pushed for holding the cateen still, only outside of the canteen, and we have only recieved consent from Father Ho this morning.(28/6)
We are very very sorry about this. My hugest apologies to all parents for the huge confusion
I'm truly sorry about this and am equally upset about the whole confusion created.
My truest apologies, and I pray for your understanding.
As a result, there would be no Gift Bearers meeting this Sunday. We continue to pray for your cooperation, and we want to thank you for being a part of us, and doing the gift-bearing faithfully, and for you parents who have been very supportive!
My sincere apologies,
new roster up, with minor changes. I have informed those whose timings are changed, but that's about it. Grp leaders, pls inform the ppl in your grp who are supposed to serve every week. If any of you needs to change ur mass timings, pls inform me at least two days before, or find a replacement urself and tell me who it is.
P.S. Audrey will be taking over me temporarily starting from the first week of JULY
Clare Tay
28/29 Jun
6pm sat- Kwan Nicole, Tan Kellyann
7am- Hofbauer Alexandra, Tay Audrey
9am- Chee Mariel, Png Gabrielle
10.45am- Er Victoria-Marie, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Tan Cabrini, Sriwardene Elysha
5/6 Jul
6pm sat- Tay Clare, Kwan Nicole
7am- Tay Audrey, Hofbauer Alexandra
9am- Png Ophelia, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Er Victoria-Marie, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Sriwardene Elysha, Tan Audrey Sarah
12/13 Jul
6pm sat- Tan Kellyann, Teo Clarissa-Anne
7am-Ess Amabel, Goh Estelle
9am- Chee Mariel, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Er Victoria-Marie, Wong Abigail
6pm sun- Wong Clare Rosanne, Leong Edna
19/20 Jul
6pm sat- Tay Clare, Tan Audrey Sarah
7am- Hofbauer Alexandra, Ess Ariel
9 am- Png Ophelia, Quek Caroline
10.45 am- Chew Adele, Ho Nicole
6pm sun- Sriwardene Elysha, Tan Cabrini
Hi girls,
really sorry, but there will be no canteen duty this sun because the canteen is undergoing painting or something like that. Sorry we couldn't tell you all earlier, we only just got to know. We will try to organise another canteen later in the year. Really sorry to everyone(parents and girls and everyone else) who have contributed to this canteen and to the group. Pls continue to support us. Thanx.
Clare Tay
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Announcements for Canteen 29/6
Those bringing food: Please report at 7am.
We'll be having prayer preparations for GB committee at 6.30am. However, everyone of you are welcomed to join us:)
All girls are required to report at 7.20am.
Parents please suggest a price you would like to sell your food at, so as to prevent us from selling at a loss or at breaking cost. Thanks!
Those doing giftbearing on that day: Please bring an extra pair of clothes to ensure that the clothes you'd be donning for mass are clean.
Those not doing giftbearing on the day: Please also bring an extra pair of clothes if you are attending mass. However, if possible, please try to attend Sat 6pm, or Sun 6pm, as we are lacking very much in manpower.
Parents are cordially invited to join us in this fun fund-raising event! We would very much appreciate your help as we are lacking very much in manpower!
What this money would be used for: To pay for sashes, and future retreats
P.S. We are calling out to parents of Gift Bearers who are accountants, to help us handle the money properly! Please call Victoria for more information.
Group leaders will inform the girls again if they will be allowed to be excused for cathechism classes on that day.
We look forward to seeing everyone on the 29th June and may the canteen be a sucess!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Dear Parents and Bearers,
Please take note that we would be resuming our weekly meetings from the
22 June 2008 onwards.
Time: 2pm [corrected]
Venue: Main Church
The Gift Bearers would be having it's canteen duty on the 29 June 2008.
We would kindly appreciate your kind generousity if you would want to contribute
some food & drinks or love offerings.
As we would want this to be a fun event, parents are most cordially invited to join us!
Lastly, we would also like to seek your kind cooperation in allowing your daughter to journey with us in this event.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Victoria.
Thank you,
God Bless, and have a nice weekend!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hello all!
Here's the draft of our Gift Bearer's logo, it's pretty much what I've thought of so far.
I have not added the colours yet, still deliberating what to use, the fonts too!
So if you have any suggestions/comments, just post them on the tagboard alright :D
Loves (:
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Roster -June-JulyHello girls. Pls check the roster frequently as there may be changes at any one time. If there are changes, there would be an UPDATED roster. Please remember to always come punctually (15mins before and right after mass) for prayers, to avoid panicking your poor leader. If you are unable to make it for mass due to some reason, please inform at least a week before, to give us time to find people to replace you.
Thank you all and God Bless!
Gift Bearers Committee
31/1June6PM Mass(sat) Nicole Kwan, Clarissa Teo7AM Mass Amabel, Ariel9AM Mass Amabel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Abigail, Adele6pm Mass Clare Wong, Kellyann7/8 June6pm Mass(sat) Clare Tay, Clarissa Teo7AM Mass Alex, Estelle9AM Mass Ophelia, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Abigail, Adele6PM Mass Amabel, Edna14/15 June6pm Mass(sat) Clare Tay, Kellyann7AM Mass Estelle, Ariel9AM Mass Mariel, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Adele, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Cabrini, Edna21/22 June6pm mass(sat) Nicole Kwan,Clarissa7AM Mass Amabel, Alex9AM Mass Mariel, Ophelia10.45AM Mass Victoria, Adele6PM Mass Elysha, Cabrini28/29 June6pm mass(sat) Cabrini,Kellyann7AM Mass Alex, Audrey Tay9AM Mass Mariel, Gabrielle10.45AM Mass Victoria, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Clare Wong, Elysha5/6 July6pm mass(sat) Clare Tay, Nicole Kwan7AM Mass Audrey Tay, Alex9AM Mass Ophelia, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Elysha, Audrey Tan12/13 July6pm mass(sat) Kellyann,Clarissa7AM Mass Cabrini, Estelle9AM Mass Mariel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Abigail6PM Mass Clare Wong, Edna19/20 July6pm mass(sat) Clare Tay, Audrey Tan7AM Mass Alex, Ariel9AM Mass Gabrielle, Caroline10.45AM Mass Adele, Nicole Ho6PM Mass Elysha, Cabrini26/27 July6pm mass(sat) Audrey Tan, Kellyann7AM Mass Amabel, Audrey Tay9AM Mass Mariel, Caroline10.45AM Mass Victoria, Abigail6PM Mass Clare Wong, Edna
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sorry to have created the Gift Bearers blog this late, as I've just received the email from
Clare Tay.
Anyways here are some of the announcements:
1. Facil Meeting is at 2pm next sunday, 8th June. Bring your bibles along.
2. Group leaders remember to contact your girls, tell them that Clare Tay and I are unreachable this weekend, so if anything crops up, contact Bel.
3. GB session is on the 29th June.
4. Clare, can you get your dad to print out the prayers please? :)